And We're Off!

 After much anticipation, I have finally begun the adventure! My friend Randy Brown has decided to come with me on trip from Coles Point, VA to Lighthouse Point, FL. Originally, we were going all the way to Miami, but last Friday, I met an amazing woman named Collette who offered to let me keep the boat for a month at the pier at her Air BnB. Thank you so much Collette!

We plan to cruise long days the first few due to good weather and open waters. We are trying to get to Lighthouse Point in 10 days, and at an average of 8mph, we need a lot of hours when we can move faster (10-12mph). 

Backing up a little, I flew into Baltimore yesterday morning (9/13). Randy picked me up at the airport with his brother n law, Norm, and we drove into Coles Point so make sure we had everything we needed for the journey. Although we found most of the supplies, we are having to cruise 12 hours to find the right oil filters to do the oil changes on the diesel engines. I am a little nervous not making the change before we started, but the engines are running very smoothly and should be fine to make it 12 hours to the marine store that has the filters.

Currently I am sitting on the bow couch writing this and being happy and thankful that I have this opportunity. Life is good. Looking forward to the next update in a couple days. Meanwhile, follow me on Instagram at Austinhigh5guy for pictures and videos.


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