Sometimes we are not in control. Adapt and Pivot

First, I would like to apologize for not posting in a while. Unfortunately, I haven't had much to post about, unless you want to hear about my boat sitting in a boat yard while getting work done. It has basically spent the last month sitting and waiting to get key things done so it can make the trip around the loop. Well, those key things are still being worked on almost a month later, and I am not sure when it will be ready to go. Due to these repairs, I have pretty much missed the window to get out of Chicago in time before they close a lock for repairs. That means I will not be able to complete the Great Loop this year, unless I just cruise all day for weeks at a time and pretty much miss all the stops that make this trip exciting. So, I have decided to abort the full trip this year and give it another try some other time. All of these issues also have had a very negative effect on my mental and physical health. The quote below is something I wrote at a very low point in the la...